

  • OTA technology based on ASR6501 will help the LoRa ecosystem

    Rf-star rf-al42uh module is a wireless serial port pass-through module developed based on ASR6501 chip(UART), using the standard LoRa Wan protocol, supports the development of standard gateway communication. 3.3V TTL level output. workFrequency of 433 MHZ. Compared with traditional rf technology, LoRa spread spectrum technology has concentrated power density and strong anti-interference abilityThe characteristics of high density and longer transmission distance. To meet the needs of battery power supply, suitable for ultra-low power networking applications.

    2019-12-19 乐虎游戏科技

  • 为什么说支持NFC的nRF52840比DA14681更适合做定制智能手环方案


    2019-04-28 乐虎游戏科技

  • 蓝牙4.0超越过往 三大操作系统支持飞速发展

    “蓝牙产品总出货量已经超过90亿,而每年均有近20亿蓝牙设备进入市场。今年预计25亿的出货量。蓝牙技术联盟已拥有超过19000家成员公司,其中三分之一来自亚太地区,亚太的一半来自中国。”BluetoothSIG开发者计划总监何根飞介绍蓝牙的发展历程时如是说。 蓝牙早已被人们所熟知,但从蓝牙4.0开始智能应用将变得不同。蓝牙4.0具备高速、低功耗、低成本

    2013-09-05 乐虎游戏科技

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